Hi and welcome to the podcast channel for PodcastMyBusiness.com .au and the content channel for ContentMadeEasy.com .au and today we have Sam from SpendingMadeEasy.com.au and she’s not a franchise with me. I’m joking. How you going Sam? Summary In this conversation, Tony Skinner interviews Samantha Boardman from SpendingMadeEasy.com.au about getting control of personal finances. They…
In this podcast episode, Tony Skinner speaks with Cameron Montgomery from the Australian Institute of Health and Safety (AIHS) about the importance of workplace safety, especially during National Safety Month. They discuss various safety issues in offices and factories, the challenges small to medium enterprises face in complying with safety standards, and the financial…
Braeden Rhys, a business strategist and coach, discusses the importance of authenticity and planning in business. He emphasizes the need for practical experience over theoretical knowledge and warns against cheap, ineffective services. Braeden shares his journey of gaining clients by offering free services and building a portfolio of 583 clients across various industries. He stresses…
Business networking is crucial for growth and success. Building connections with other people and businesses can lead to valuable opportunities. Giving value and helping others grow is essential in networking and business relationships. When looking for a business coach, it is important to find someone who has their own coach and has achieved success in their own business. Changing mindset and beliefs is key to making improvements and achieving success. Time is a valuable commodity that should be used efficiently. Speed of implementation and decision-making are important factors in achieving success.
Note AI Transcript In this conversation,Tony Skinner interviews Simone Robinson, a copywriter and marketing strategist. They discuss the importance of networking, the role of messaging in marketing, the impact of artificial intelligence on copywriting, and tips for starting a business. Simone emphasises the need for clear and compelling messaging, the power of headlines,…
In part 2 Tony and Jessica discuss the challenges of dealing with negative comments on social media and the importance of empathy. The conversation concludes with the significance of rest, exercise, and connecting with nature for overall well-being.
Tony skinner Hi, welcome to the podcast channel for podcastmybusiness.com.au and also contentmadeeasy.com.au. And we’re doing videos as podcasts these days. And let’s uh welcome Jessica Clancy from www.jessicaclancyperseveres.com And my first thing is for everybody to think, guess where Jessica’s accent is from. Hi, Jessica, how you doing? Jessica Hi, my name…
For young people Hospitality is the best place to start. It’s, it opens up your communication skills, you’ve got to deal, you become a real team player, you don’t turn up, you really let your team down. You learn to deal with conflict, you get to read and deal with different types of people every day. So you know, you think those four things or five things I’ve just mentioned, if you’re going to go down any leadership org and find out what great leaders have, they all have those traits.
And I always thought that there was a big opportunity to sort of educate people and train people to realize that there actually is a career path in hospitality outside your top tier hotels.
Stop being ripped off by Insurance companies and Energy suppliers.
We are building a community of smart consumers, the more people we have registered the greater the discounts we can negotiate.
You will get access to every fair deal as soon as its available.
Kyco is free to join, and we don’t share your information with anyone.
Lighthouse Foundation is a youth homelessness service. It’s been in operation for just on 30 years.
And it’s an organization that really not only seeks to address and and youth homelessness as it currently exists, but to really work with the community, both private and public, to achieve not only a solution for the young people of today,
but certainly to do something about the sad but, unavoidable fact that there is an increase of young people in the next generation who come through to similar circumstances.
So the easiest way is to start a blank piece of paper for me, I’m going to also suggest you go get a whole bunch of colored pencils, because that’s fun, that gets the mind going.
Because when you’re stuck, just go pick up another color, and another color and another color and write it down.
But don’t forget to think about all the community in your business and that’s you, your business, your partner, your kids, your parents, your customers, your suppliers, everybody, what are the goals?
What are the things you do for them?
What are the achievements, what are the feelings you want these people to feel?
Why do you want to have to just regurgitate a bunch of stuff you’ve learned by rote? So what we do instead is we connect our students with global companies small and large, and be involved in live projects that they have a problem in their business they want solve, so to serve a continually talking to business businesses globally to say, what is the problem in your business?
With the Landing Pad space for entrepeneurs here in Newcastle it’s something very practical we can do to try and help de risk, by having a partnership like the landing pad with the University of Newcastle and the amazing facilities that it brings just to make it that little bit easier for somebody thinking of relocating to a regional city to take advantage of the better quality of life that a city like Newcastle is able to bring.
I can speak from personal experience as someone who has moved from Sydney to Newcastle 12 years ago that, you know, one of the reasons why we wanted to relocate was housing affordability, we love the beach, and we wanted to be close to the beach.
But if we wanted to stay in Sydney, we just seem to get further and further away from it. And the commute time. So I would take public transport, and it would be one hour each way from where I lived in suburban Sydney to Alexandria. And I was like is this what my life is going to be like, especially with young children but i had luckily married a Novocastrian.
And it was a somewhat easier transition to a leap of faith to move to Newcastle because I was sort of familiar with the layout, when you Newcastle initiative was up and running at that point, which supported creative entrepreneurs to access space for them to be able to operate from and that really interested me, but otherwise, I had no networks up here. And my background was marketing.
And, you know, while the COVID and hybrid work opportunities or being able to work 100% remotely, has really opened up the doors, I think, to people to consider moving to regional locations like Newcastle. And that’s been demonstrated by those figures that Declan just outlined, yes, working from home is fantastic.
We all like being able to be in our pajamas while we take zoom calls or put a load of washing on during during lunch break. But ultimately, at the end of the day, were connected humans that need to be able to be in person with each other. And that’s what the landing pad ultimately ultimately is able to provide is that face to face interactive connection into humans and people that are going through the same journey you are, particularly if you’re starting a new business.
Danny Davis from lct.org.au joins us too discuss if the Federal Government delivered on a wellness or wellbeing budget?
Also we look at waste and covering your arse in the NDIS
But by being in control, you can make sure that you’re not falling out of the sky on a regular basis. The cybersecurity risks, the innovation disruption risks are just not being met on a on a competent basis at this stage.
I mean, it’s a bit of an accusation, but I think it’s true. I think boards from what I have seen firsthand, and from the research that I’ve done as well, are generally just not engaged with the level of change and risk that is out there.
Delivery can be arranged not just same day but within a few hours.
Clients get notifications by text message, and so forth. They can literally watch him on the map driving through the streets to their own home. So it really does give a next level of visibility and in the event that they have a contact issue they can call him they can text the shipper and the shipper can text them and get back as well. Everything’s marked for privacy, obviously. But it’s a sort of level of service, you just don’t get with other carriers
Yep, Australians are mad for what we call alternative milks, alt milks. They call it in the trade. And it’s growing exponentially. and what’s also interesting is each state has a little bit of a bias towards what their particular alt milk is.
Victorians have a strong bias for oat milk. And then New south Welsh people have a bias for almond milk. And then the Queenslanders have a bit of a bias still for soy milk, which was pretty much the original of alt milk that came on to the scene.
But you go to any cafe now Tony in their entire fridge is full of you’ve seen it, haven’t you like the cardboard boxes of probably They’re about six particular different types of milk. So it’s pretty hard to manage that kind of inventory. But that’s what customers demand now.
So if you had some quick tips for and we’ll use that 20 year benchmark because again, it’s I think it’s what most of us start thinking about. If you’re 20 years out, or between, say 20 years and then 10 years, what things do you think people should be doing to prepare for retirement.
Okay, the first thing that we must do, of course, is to make certain that we understand the financial implications, and have we got enough now, those who want to travel around the world every year and drive a Mercedes, they need a lot more than the person who says hey, I’m not interested in that.
So we’ve got to one understand the financial implication. So that’s the first thing.
The second thing is we’ve got to develop the habits, so that we can successfully fill in 11,000 days. And the problem is this tony too many people in retirement. In fact, the average in Australia is watching screen time. That’s telephone, tablets, computers, TV, and the big screen, nine hours a day, nine hours a day, they’re watching television.
Now, I do not believe that it is reasonable or even sensible to spend all your life preparing for this time called retirement, saving money, getting ready, so that you can watch nine hours of television, I got to be joking. So that’s a big one as well.
Physically fit. We must be physically fit. We know that there’s these things like dementia and Alzheimer’s and those types of things that are just around the corner for many, hey, but they’re not. If you prepare well, in other words, anyone who is physically fit low on alcohol, plenty of exercise, good diet, and so on and so forth.
They do they attract dementia and Alzheimer’s less than most people. Now, I’m not saying that you can avoid it, you can’t avoid it. But you can delay it. So there are a couple of things that are really critical.
Again, web hosts will offer backups. But I recommend you do your own backups to either to OneDrive, or Google Drive or not on the website server. And the reason for this is that if the website server gets compromised, your backups will get compromised. And also the backups that website hosts offer. Some websites posted, you can get it back, like when you want it on demand others, it’s just a disaster recovery backup.
So if the server goes down, they can bring it back up. But you can’t just restore your own website. So make sure it’s being backed up and make sure it’s being backed up to another server just gives you that control and redundancy and safety. If something goes wrong, you can get everything back.
There are plenty of plugins out there that will do backups for you. And you just need to check when you’re installing the plugin that it will backup to a third party sites. So one that I recommend is updraft might be Updraft Plus, that’s that will do the backups, it will copy them to a third party server for you. They do have a free version, which I think allows you to backup to one destination. The premium version allows you to backup to more services. So you just need to check which one works for you the best.
I think people really underestimate how important exercise is for all around health and weight, around health and well being, but also our mental health and well being. So often people only exercise when they want to lose weight, for example.
But exercise is such an important tool for managing stress and anxiety, increasing our confidence, for helping us feel connected to others. So we’ve got an online platform. So if you’re on the country, it can be quite isolating. If you can’t get access to gyms, or you don’t have time to go to the gym, you can join our community and get that sense of sense of community and purpose through your exercise, which is really important.
We spoke to customers then. And that’s something we’ve kind of implemented a little bit more started talking a bit more about how that works so well, for us, that we need to do more of it, we need to talk to our customers more need to take that feedback on board, we need to implement the learnings from what customers are saying about our services or that sort of stuff.
You are quite unique.
So what motivated you to start up the business?
Interview with Andy about how you can have sweet treat for yourself and the kids that is not bad for you and is sugar free.
Also some great tips to help other new business’s.
So the purpose of our business is making sure that everyone can still enjoy sweet trees. But knowing that there is an alternative, now you can have that sweetness, but you don’t need to have all the unsavory ingredients with it.
After all, who doesn’t love a sweet treat?
And we’ll go in with all this tech about antivirus and stuff. I have an example where one of the companies I was working for like 10 years ago as a big company, there was a Telstra subsidiary. I had to wipe his computer once a week, right. And I finally had a conversation with him. And his justification was, well, we have anti virus Matt, I would expect that it would just work all the time. And I said do you have seatbelts in your car? He’s like, yeah, why? I said, do you just drive into trees all the time? He’s like, Oh, no. Well, I mean, you can’t expect anti viruses to stop everything, especially new threats come out every day.
We cover some great tips to help you take action and get more time. In this first part Les takes us through the first few letters of his e-book and we cover how to take Action, through to the importance of having a Buddy and Breaks.
These simple tips will get you thinking and improving your day.
It’s a double sided marketplace. And what we mean by that is that there are on the one side, lots of retailers right now, there’s over a couple 100 retailers and there’s over 100,000 products. And on the other side, there are the buyers, which are the ones that would come to the site to use it to furnish and fit out their spaces. So the idea behind https://www.sawce.com.au/ is to be the central dedicated online marketplace for furniture and fitouts.
We cover what actually is an emulsifier?
How to make commercial ice cream with less sugar with no arificial sweeteners.
What is vegan frozen dessert?
For example, on Breast Cancer we’re down 98%, from April 2018, to 2020, which is very alarming, you know, only for one in 10, complete bowel cancer test kits as well. Like, there’s a lot of statistics at the moment about this, which is really the driver for us in what we’re doing at the moment with doctors.com.au
Join us for a truly inspirational story with Diem, a child refugee from Vietnam that now makes 100 % Australian vegan food that is now available in Woolworths and globally.
So, the definition it says as practicable, as possible.
We we look at whether we buy products, or we look at entertainment industry, so wherever possible,
we seek to exclude products or avoid entertainment, for example, which seek to exploit animals, Thats it in a nutshell,
Questions asked include:
And I saw you using your forehead quite a bit then. Because I was going to say all the eyes sing to be predominant, but it’s actually the forehead that seems to take up a large amount of space.
Is there such a thing as resting bitchface?
So face off, if I got a face transplant. Over time would my expressions now replace and go back onto the new face.
Topics covered include:
Educate your staff
Backing up data
Ask your colleagues
MFA multi factor or two FA authentication
Stop using the same account on our email to use for online shopping services accounts, as we do for our personal banking services accounts.
We are talking about how restrictions impact your business as well. But what I’m thinking is that that’s an opportunity. Because of course, once things start normalizing tradies they get busier again, they’re going to need you even more once things return, and they get bombarded with work.
Of course, a podcast or video cast or video is about stories. You are someone who helps people realize the power of their stories and how to create stories that are more engaging, because there’s so many stories out there, but what makes your story and my story so good.
So how do you help people with that?
We are joined by Christie of florandorder.com to discuss Time training and Goal strategising
Questions asked include:
Strategies to help when things keep changing so much and the future is uncertain.
So as a general rule, what would be some tips to be better, organized and make better use of your time?
Providing an Omnichannel experience for your customers is becoming increasingly important.
With all the changes to shopping moving online with covid restrictions, a retail business needs to consider the full customer journey and experience.
Emarsys helps this experience with its apps offering a enhanced experience for your high value clients and improving engagement.
We are joined by Albert from Opentext.com to discuss adapting to global change and technology disruption by rethinking business strategy and seizing new digital capabilities in the cloud.
with so much data it is a real struggle to understand how to utilise it and create value and knowledge.
Questions asked include:
We all hear the cloud this thing out there somewhere. So how are you helping businesses to deal with that?
Using content and making it into a package usable that they can then use for marketing and other sorts of purposes.
In this episode we are joined by Todd Harper, CEO of Cancer Council Victoria to discuss the implications of Covid 19 and Cancer outcomes.
Questions asked include:
How are Covid lockdowns having an impact on cancer? Even under stress such as a lockdown is it a good time to quit?
What are the odds of catching cancer versus catching COVID?
Please share some tips on avoiding or lifestyle changes that help you reduce the risk from catching cancer?
In this episode we are joined by Dr. Sarah White, the Director of www.quit.org.au
Quit is there to help all Australians improve their health, save money, protect their family and improve their lifestyle
Questions asked:
What do you put most of the success in reducing smoking rates in Australia down too?
Even under stress such as a lockdown is it a good time to quit?
I’ve got friends that claim that E Cigarettes are helping them, is this true?
In relation to Covid 19 and smoking. How does that impact health outcomes?
The way it works is your order will go through our technology out to our network of Sherpas was 10,000 Sherpas we have across Australia. With the driver app waiting for orders, they will see the job accept the job because it’s near their location, they will drive to the retail store, they’ll pick up the goods, and they will drive the order to the customer’s house or the customer’s business wherever they’ve requested to deliver it. So if you think about how Australia Post is moving millions and millions of passes around every day, we use technology to do it smarter and at a micro geography level, if you like so we match the Sherpas location, to the retail store. And we know the shipper can get there very quickly because we know where he is.
Today we have an interview with one of the most popular chicken brands in WA Chicken Treat. The chicken really flew out the door during covid and now they want to fly the coop and are looking for franchisees in the ACT and NSW.
Learn more about their success story in this podcast.
Ronald McDonald House Charities. Gives seriously ill children the best gift of all- their families. Please support the ceo walk in my shoes campaign.
With family in the country i know how difficult it would be when you have a seriously ill child needing treatment in a city hospital. Caring for other kids in the family, the costs of accommodation, food and transport would be too hard to even focus on when your child is receiving cancer or other serious forms of treatment.
RMHC helps with a supportive group environment as the families are picked up and put into a situation where they’re away from their usual support networks and away from extended family and friends. As this becomes the new normal RMHC and other families staying their offer support in this time of crisis.
As a business leader you can be part of an exclusive opportunity to experience a day in the life of a family with a seriously ill child, or donate to help with the $160 a night cost.
At Pet Angel we’re all compassionate people. We have empathy, and we all love what we do. And we all feel as though that we We can help the people. To be honest, we do focus on the pet, but the pet is deceased. So the people that the people that need the help are the owners of the pet. They need to be assured that their beloved pet is in good hands and well looked after in their afterlife.
Yes, I’ve actually seen a lot of projects struggle, because they haven’t had the right team on board. I mean, I’ve seen projects go pear shaped, because for example, a great designer who was great at designing was promoted into a project management position, without having the proper training. And also there’s far too much unnecessary pressure and stresses in the construction industry, because people are generally not good at project management. So this is why I actually set up my companies. I thought, after seeing so many products go wrong, and learning from those things. I thought I could help.
Ready to grow your business then Peter Ellis business growing pains specialist can help.
So about 12 to 14%, of businesses that want to grow, more than half of them are actually stuck in between sizes. They’re stuck between micro and small, or they’re stuck between small and medium.
So what we’re covering today is something that’s quite interesting. Which is harnessing the power of reading people by reading their face. And it’s more than just body language. Much more.
The ATO does not want you to claim all you are entitled too for working from home.
You dont have to be big to save big with couriers and ojnline deliveries. Get Support For Your Pack and Send Requirements. Since the early 2000’s Chris has helped small business’s. Even before Ebay became popular.
So in fact, getting us involved in your business planning and strategies means that hopefully, in the long term, you’ll be spending time worrying about your business and not about regulators coming after you or your competition suing you, or anything like that.
Get started on your marketing now. Have your marketing plan ready and planned out.
We cover the three pillars of automotive decision making in this podcast
I think if people can just help the Australian cheese industry and also remember that there’s dairy farmers that supply to all of these small cheese makers.
Staff heading back to the office or customers back into the cafe. The smart sign can help
Your employees have worked hard this year. Show you are thinking of them and reward them with a special egift card. This card even comes with e wrapping
Save the environment. Save your children’s future. Save Xmas. Say no to plastic water bottles.
Are you like me and have multiple water bottles, for the gym, for a walk, at home, in the car.
Or is it all too hard and you keep buying a new water bottle all the time. Which you know you should not do.
Do you get sweaty and shake even thinking about public speaking and doing presentations. How are your palms right now? Has your lack of confidence got in the way of sales or promotions?
In this podcast Brenden of MasterTalk shares with us 5 tips to help you relax and enjoy public speaking.
Are you concerned about parents and grandparents in care homes. Feel that you are not aware of what is going on and being kept distant.
Alison works in aged care, as an occupational therapist, and really knew and understood ,the challenges that families face as well as those working in the homes themselves. So Alison launched the first app for care homes. the agedcareapp.com.au
Yeah, because someone told me, I mean, talk to me about it. And It just occurred to me that, you know, domestic violence survivors are especially vulnerable to identity theft. And the reason is because the the ex partner knows a lot about you, your ex partner knows a lot about you. And they knows and that gives them a really good head start on committing identity theft, identity theft. So I realized that this is the problem, and that needs to be addressed. Because, um, you know, it’s not easy. Sometimes it can be a life and death matters, you know. So I think that’s important thing to talk about, you know?
Warning The Police Will Not Protect Your Online Rights. What Are Your rights? Listen to This Important Podcast Now. Sarah From justsociale.org explains how to protect your rights online including from abusive former partners. Tony skinner 00:01 Hi, and welcome to the podcast channel with www.podcastmybusiness.com.au. And today we have Sarah from Just Sociale www.justsociale.org…
Tony skinner 00:02 Hi, and welcome to the podcast channel www.podcastmybusiness.com.au. And today we have Darren Murphy from www.coreintegrity.com.au. Hi, Darren, how you doing? Darren 00:16 Tony I’m doing pretty good. And in the current times to be honest that can be a challenge for many. Tony skinner 00:19 yeah, where about you…
But it is really important that you go beyond just the Google of googling cybersecurity courses, speak to someone, make sure it’s right for you. Because there’s nothing worse than investing in training, finishing the course and working out, or that wasn’t what I was looking for. So invest that time upfront, speak to someone that’s got lots on offer, because it means they won’t push you into one course. But specifically, I’d say that RESILIA frontline is very strong, and a good option to take care of, you know, all staff at all levels,
We are the number one by market cap listed ASX pure play cyber security firm. I think almost anything can get hacked if the if the hacker is persistent enough. So it’s important that you do have a sense of security, you understand the types of assets that you have, and they’re appropriately protected. I think one of the myths in moving to the cloud is that security becomes somebody else’s responsibility.
James from Egmont Honey has grown the business during the pandemic by focusing on quality. He Explains How Helicopters Help Bees Collect The Best NZ Manuka Honey
Urgent Please Help Local Artists and Performers NOW
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Please help by booking artists for your next Xmas corporate event or at home. https://www.artist-bookings.com/
Do you love music? Please offer support to keep it alive.
And for those who have had a child that screams endlessly in the evenings and has like excruciating belly pain no matter what you eat, no matter what you give them whether they’re breastfed, you know regularly or whether they burb, there’s so many issues, but colic is just so upsetting to watch and my mum being a naturopath and a medical herbalist. She’d helped me create clean tea.
The Party People supply parties which are now not allowed in the same way. How have they survived and done well. Has your business been tricked by covid, or treated and you have done well or even just ok.
Dont be shy there are always opportunities. Have you grabbed one?
it’s very clear that when you do exercise more, that dopamine release that comes with it does help you feel better. And when you when you move a little bit more and you start to feel better, you’re more motivated
The survey results have shown us that people are quite keen to get back to some semblance of normal, they just don’t want to go back to the office full time
Managing your companies reputation Is like chasing a herd of wildebeest. You’re chasing the herd of wildebeest and it changes direction and tramples you.
Any senior leader business owner or executive can continue to navigate through what they’re going through at the moment with with COVID and with change, and who knows where whether it’ll be over the next six months. I think having that personal connection for yourself, and that personal clarity is just so important.
You’ve got to, you’ve got to be passionate about your business. And one thing I’ve learned with business, you cannot chase money, you can only invite it, and you invite it by being still being good at something, being passionate about it, and then telling others and then money comes to you.
Well, the vast majority of products don’t have specific rules and regulations on them.
I use my business to Try to educate different suppliers, importers, retailers, and so forth, and try to work with different parties to encourage them to do the right thing. There’s actually quite a bit of good work going on by some of the business and industry associations. And I spend a bit of time with them to try to just kind of bring in a bit of self regulation.
Innovative gift ideas.
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So the cloud allows you to be able to work from anywhere, anyplace on any device. So it’s everything is brought in a secure environment and it should be secured in multiple environments, not just one.
So even before you start, I have a lot of friends that talk about doing businesses and they want to know what the secret is. The secret is starting. It’s not very sexy, and it’s not up there with Einstein’s theory. Just start and use your own money and just use enough money. So you don’t, you know, get into hot water if you were to lose it. But if you start and you start to use your own money, you will learn very quickly what to do. And so just start and put your money in.
And so how you handle the crisis really depends on where you are. But ultimately, you’ve got to always think about who is your customer? Who is that client? And how do you communicate with them?
But overwhelmingly as well, even those that are expecting to be able to work from home, don’t really want to be working from home all the time. And people are starting to understand or appreciate the importance of some of the things that you need to do in work are easier to do face to face, and through collaboration face to face.
Through spoken word or through text alone in three days 90% of that information is lost. If you couple that information with imagery, then in three days 65% is retained. So you go from 10% retention to 55 or 65% retention, just by adding images and increase engagement.
So I went out and we interviewed 3,500 people in the business world to ask them, what is mental wellbeing? What is mental fitness in the workplace? And what we found out that stress and anxiety is the new norm. And some of the tools and techniques that I used to stay well, people need in everyday life. So we created Mentemia the app.
For sport and business I think fail fast is a really good tip. So when you lose in rugby, you’ve got one day to sort it out and then you’re onto the next game. And you’ve got to sort it out pretty quick. So fail fast, learn fast is also good for business.
And I’d say even for the next 12 months change is going to be just the normal going concern. That’s just going to be everyday business. Every day is going to be something slightly different and adapting and changing. I think everyone needs to just be comfortable with that. So agility and speed and adaption right now I think are going to be at a premium. Whereas consistency and efficiency I don’t think are as valued right now.
Now is a great opportunity I think, to take stock. I do think businesses, those that take a little bit of bravery or think, or apply a little bit of bravery, I think you can win out of this crisis.
Maybe don’t overthink it and don’t play the farm on it. But I think the other thing too, is that businesses… We’ve seen businesses respond really quickly. So those that have adapted fast quite often have sort of got ahead quickly and haven’t sort of, I think, overlabored the point either.
Remember, you’ve done it before in a different context. But this is this is another blip that you can ride out. This is just another roadblock but you overcame that first one which was so incredibly hard, which was just getting a business off the ground.
To relax and then you can choose one of I think I put five different ones together, which where I’m basically just describing whether it’s a beach resort, or whether it’s a ski of snow holiday and taking you through the smells, the sounds, the actions, the things around you, and just letting your brain fill in the gaps and really, you know, feel the kind of good vibes of the holiday of your choice.
Okay, so what are some principles that you’ve learned, from your time the military that could be easily applied to businesses?
Well, I guess I had a bit of a think about this before and we have it there’s a bit of a, there’s a quote that’s borrowed from I think it’s from Dwight Eisenhower, which was the plan is nothing and planning is everything. And I think there’s this notion in the military that you know, there’s a, I suppose a perception of the military making a plan, having a strategy executing the plan and so successful. But what the reality is behind that at a tactical and strategic level is that the plan is just a living thing. And it’s always changing
I’m pretty disciplined about it actually, it’s pretty boring. And I think that’s the, secret sauce is discipline.
So not all about work, having making sure that you’re touching base regularly and just finding out how people are what they need away from work, make sure they’re comfortable, you know, and then having a bit of downtime
And in the last round of research that we did, which was timed for the second week of July, so just as we’re going into that second lockdown, that figure reduce, so now 41% are saying it’s not the time to be hiring new staff so people, businesses are starting to think a little bit more around how they’re going to come out of this.
Sadly, I you know, the economic circumstance is such that there are a proportion of businesses we’ve got 15% who feel their business has little chance of remaining open after the crisis, but didn’t that number, as horrible as it That is, if you wanted to 15% it’s not you know, given the breadth and inequality of the impact of this pandemic. And it’s not as bigger number as perhaps we might have expected. And again, that’s perception of what small business owners are saying. So there’s a general feeling of optimism that by hook or by crook, definetly coming out the other end.
even with physical contact 78% of people are avoiding handshaking again. That means that there’s 22% of people who are still shaking hands.
Essentially, when women are pregnant, especially even leading up to pregnancy when they try to get pregnant when they’re breastfeeding, it is recommended by health care professionals that they should be having a maximum amount of about 200 milligrams of caffeine a day.
I don’t know if you’ve seen Monty Python’s the meaning of life. I have It’s been a while but I’ve definitely there’s that scene where the pregnant mother is lying on the bed. And they’ve got the machine that goes ping and she says, What do I do Nothing dear. You’re not qualified
Okay, essentially, a buyer’s agent is, I guess the opposite to a selling agent. So everyone who’s selling a property generally has a real estate agent who’s selling the property on their behalf. a buyer’s agent actually represents the buyer of a property so instead of just going straight to the real estate agent and trying to negotiate on a property through them, you actually use a buyer’s agent who can actually find the exact property that you’re looking for, and negotiate on the price and terms.
And we do have the page on your website under shop where you can buy the fantastic book, how to build a multimillion dollar property portfolio from a 40 k deposit. And, you know, I don’t have anything like you’d have a I think, but we both started off with a small deposit. So it can actually be done.
We are talking about the updates, job keeper in particular and the exposure for businesses on COVID-19. We’re doing this one as a special update.
Yeah, so job keeping change 21st of July was announced by Treasury. And the changes are that there’s a gradual scaling down with the job keeper payment. But it’s also recognizing that some of the part timers getting being paid on the job keeper, were in fact earning more money than they did beforehand. So there was a rebalancing of the payments from a job keeper perspective to employees.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Invoice finance just provides upfront payments to you for your invoices. So effectively you’re using the assets on your balance sheet, which are your invoices. just bringing the payment forward to you, you’re getting your money faster.
I’m thinking about growing this business, for example, in different ways. And I guess it depends on your appetite to risk so would you say, now’s a good time to take on some risk? If especially if competitors are falling by the wayside?
How can you live life beyond limits? And what are the limits?
That’s a really good question. Because the moment you start thinking about limits, of course, everyone has their own
So our beliefs are essentially on buttons and off buttons that tell us what we can and what we can’t do, they’re not necessarily true. In fact, there’s a real clue in the word belief. There’s the word lie right in the middle. And what is true for someone can be completely untrue for somebody else. But if we believe that something is not possible, we will not pursue it.
A good website with your details on it helps to build trust
But it was the biggest lesson that I learned. And that was to keep testing contact forms or any forms on the website and to have other ways for people to contact you.
I’ve heard a lot of internet marketers saying, you know, you just need a landing page and run your business. Now, people want to know who you are. They want to know that they can trust you. And the best way they get can get to know you, like you and trust you is if you have a website that addresses their concerns and their problems.
So that begs a question. Are robots the future for real estate agents?
There’s too many businesses that are relying upon the traditional methods of doing their business. And unfortunately, I think they’re being left behind. So every business I can think of needs to embrace technological innovation of some description, too remain relevant.
There are a couple of things that have happened during this COVID-19 disaster and one of them is that agents have been forced to actually have more meaningful conversations with their potential buyers.
What Is The Cloud?
Certainly in the move to online and the there’s various ways of the new economy moving forward and what have you. But one of the things is that you do help businesses in the cloud, and in the cloud is still fairly well, I would say, unknown for people, but people don’t understand it enough
So it’s that whole concept of work anytime, anywhere, right? The cloud has allowed for us to get the data that you needed in the right place at the right time. And that could be effectively you in front of your machine at home in Lane cove, as you said, or you could have previously been in an office.
But I also love working with millennials as well because what you do with your finances in your 20s and 30s is going to make far more of a difference in what you do in your 50s and 60
So you can go on my website and there is a link to a budgeting course and that’s for $25 it’s distributed through Udemy. And for two hours, you can go through that course yourself and learn how to budget properly
Essentially what the event has done is compressed what might have been five years of adaption of technology and new systems into a very short timeframe.
Something that we’ve always focused on in the business, I’ve seen really great organizations within my sector lose their relevancy because they can’t evolve or don’t want to evolve with changing times. So quite early on in the piece and made it a business of ours to make sure we’re a little bit ahead of the curve, or at least we like to think so.
And then the next thing was to start to really tap into how you, again, make yourself useful.
And certainly there’s all discipline, a lot of things in common with martial arts and running a business.
On Zoom when you’re looking when you’re talking about legwork, and balance and everything else and you can only see half the equation how did that go?
Well I got really good at telling the kids that I could tell that their feet weren’t pointing the right direction based on which way their hips were pointing by looking at their shoulders which drove them nuts.
Make Sure You Pay Yourself First In Your Business
But then the other part is yes, putting money aside to be able to pay yourself As the owner of the business and as an employee of the business that you know, you’re doing the daily work, you want to make sure that you’re getting paid for that
I’ve got this awesome business I’ve been working with with growing sales, but they say to me, you know, there’s no money there’s no cash in the business at the end at the bank account at the end. have each month and you can, is that what you help with? Yeah
Why would you want to spend two years living on a boat with three kids?
Being brave enough and prepared enough to go and see what’s next, especially after the event that we’ve just had. What would inspire others to go and do something like that?
Yeah, that’s a good question So it’s scary, I get that. But when you do take that leap, and you know, it’s very cliché and people would have heard it all before, but when you step out of your comfort zone, that’s where all the good stuff happens.
I can think back over 25 years of history two and three or four major opportunities if you like. And if they come on, through, you know, forces out of your control, like a brand new mathematics syllabus, for example, a new national curriculum, first in the US or in Australia, and you just got to jump on that quickly. So turn that opportunity into something really positive.
I do have a tip, which I very rarely hear and I wish I’d heard it. Going back, you know, 10 years ago, as I started a business in a sort of evolved organically way but no one ever told me start thinking about your exit strategy.
The NDIS scheme is something that was implemented a few years ago and SDA stands for specialist disability accommodation, and it is a $700 million funding stream within the broader NDIS scheme which stands for national disability insurance scheme. And basically that provides some $200 billion worth of services across the board for people with disabilities and the SDA services a select group who are eligible to have disabled housing.
That’s why it’s a win win. So the investor is being incentivized the government is effectively the 15% yield comes from three income streams. And one of those income streams is the actual rental so the rental is three times more than what you would receive from an able-bodied tenant.
I help women to put down the fork and pick up their life. So I help busy women who self sabotage is I helped them to lose weight and eat with freedom, while liberating them from their inner critic
There are times when you can’t possibly do everything. We’ve just had our event, the crisis that’s changed the world for everybody. Now is the time to head back up. Pick up that barbell and put down that fork.
All right. So what we’re talking about today is SMSF or self managed super funds. That’s for people who don’t go into the industry or non industry super funds that most people get through their employers itself. So let’s just jump straight into it. What are the benefits of a self managed Superfund?
● So yeah, one of the common misconceptions with super is that it’s well, it’s all mine anyway. So I’m entitled to be able to use however I want to, and it’s to some extent, but there are certain no no’s with your own super.
● with self managed super funds and the rules and regulations. They actually can change quite frequently. The goalposts continually move and that’s part of the reason why a lot of accountants find it hard to keep up with so you need a specialist
Architects Help Your Dreams come True
The main purpose of choosing an architect is to help you translate your design into reality.
● What happens in the renovation space often is that people know what they think they want. But in the meantime, I’ll also draw three other ideas of what you could potentially do that will still give you that outcome that may work better for you. So it’s trying to give them different ideas in the space that they’ve got and what can often what can be approved a council approval and other things as well.
● But again, if you’ve done if you’ve built or designed your building to be two meters higher than it’s supposed to be, council are going to come back and say, well, you’re blocking the sunlight. You can’t do it. But if you designed it exactly how it’s supposed to be, and there’s not really a complaint
I even mastered the art of online site auditing. So I can come into your premises and do a fire and safety audit and I just sent you a zoom link, and you can show me around and I don’t have to visit your site
● We’re going to have to teach Homer Simpson. And that’s who we’re targeting. If he doesn’t work for you, he’ll come in as a client and he can ruin your business. So you’ve got to be prepared that whatever you do, whatever protections you put around your business, you’re factoring in for Homer Simpson
Change Your Attitude to Money
● Change your attitude to money by performing with money, how to perform under pressure, understanding what your drivers are and guiding you to maximize your ability to actually make money, how to you know how to make it, keep it and grow it. This is the secret.
● Hit that reset button and take control of your finances. You don’t want to be a slave to the corporate world, and this is aperfect opportunity to press the reset button and take back control. align yourself with the type of work that is fulfilling that rewards you you’ll be surprised how much your income will increase with less effort.
Your The Voice. Voice Coaching with Maria Pellicano
● Maria is a voice coach. And certainly if you’re doing podcasts voice is critical to success. is. It is critical and important . To give it a go, at least because I think it’s a bit confronting for a lot of people when we talk about their voice.
● Voice is water. So when you’re speaking, there’s all these water molecules coming out of your mouth. So we’re 90% water, that’s what vocal cords are. And the more water you drink, the stronger you’ll be able to speak and the longer you could speak for a longer period of time.
Anita from advancedfinance.com.au talking mortgages during the current C R A P event.
You are getting a lot of buyers coming out going right what what bargains are out there. What can we get this property for? And it certainly created a little bit of activity, I kind of expected the property market would have gone way down during the event but I haven’t seen really much downturn at all.
● Borrowers really need to be in really stable employment and have secure positions to be able to take out a mortgage and I think that’s probably Responsible Lending Anyway, you really don’t want to be taking out a new loan that’s going to end up in hardship down the track. So you definitely need to be in stable employment
● Yeah. So luckily, the ABA have announced that anyone that did make hardship arrangements before they got behind, it won’t be listed on your credit rating. And we do believe it won’t impact your ability to borrow down the track. So you did the right thing. It’s definitely good to get in touch beforehand.
Lindys Briefs: How to Brief a Designer
Looking at, the suite of services that you offer, you could become a company’s marketing department, pretty much all of it
● We do specialize in printers, we have a 20 year background in all sorts of print. But we also design digitally so in the digital space in helping you with your idioms and your templates, and, and all of those sorts of things. So we are a whole solutions company.
● we are graphic designers and visual communicators working with multi nationals to start ups and small business’s And we want to help you to brief a designer to save you time and money.
Pay Less For Business Transactions
Mark from costless payment solutions believes if I can give you back, some if not all of the bank fees well, that’s going to have an impact on the quality of life that I would think that you would like to have for your family.
● zero bank fees
● a great tip is that maybe a subscription to software or a bank was justified some two years ago, but you no longer need that subscription now, but you just haven’t gotten around and cancelling it, now would be a time to do so
On today’s business podcast we’re talking about Making Your Lazy Money Work Harder For You with Forex Trading
● Forex trading is trading foreign currencies against each other, or using a instrument called CFDs. So contract for difference.
● I teach them how to create an income from the cash with foreign exchange, trading. Working five hours a week
Fail to Plan Then You Plan to Fail
On todays buisness podcast, Peter from Pair Planning explains how Pair stands for Planning Accountability Implement Review
● Business owners should be doing the work that adds value to the business and doing a routine function like bookkeeping is not adding value to the typical business
● More than traditional consulting, where you helping clients with actual solutions, we actually help them implement things in the business, but also holding them accountable
Todays business podcast is covering Website Customer Relationship Marketing with Ucidity.com.au is an end to end marketing agency. So the way we usually describe it is we go all the way until Pay Per Click
● From your brand strategy getting your brand, right and then online, how it represents on your website and through to your digital marketing
● We build strategies around that integrating your CRM as well so you can track and manage and have oversight over everything that’s happening and you see what delivers
Adrian from Brivvio introduces us to his app for social video, that when you record your video, your branding is applied and captions are generated automatically
● Perfect for Vlogging
● Speech recognition software has come a long way so we’re using that technology to listen to your voice as you’re recording the video and turn that into the captions that we see at the bottom of the screen
● Designed for short videos on social etc.
Kalli has some very special low toxin hair products that I know women and men are going to love.
● They’re either organic or plant based, natural, naturally derived
● For grey hair our product covers 100% gray hair, and it’s activated with water, and it’s made from 100% plant. So there is nothing you could literally eat this and nothing would happen to you.
● If you put diesel in you put in your unleaded car, how long will it drive for?
We are joined By Simon Spicer of Business Australia to discuss the Government’s Covid 19 support packages.
For more than 190 years, Business Australia has stood by business owners – untying legal knots, boosting efficiency, advocating for better conditions and helping them grow.
● Formerly known as the NSW Business Chamber, today we operate across the country. From major cities to country centres. From the smallest start-up to the largest corporation.
● All governments at all levels, whether it’s federal, state and local, have really recognized the significant implications of the event, and I’ll just run through the main ones because it is very complicated.
Win More Clients
Today we’re talking about marketing automation with Tim from winmoreclients.com.au
● So what sort of business is best to be using marketing automation?
Any business with relationships can benefit from automation.
● people in business are saying I’ve got to get online. What have you been doing for the last 10 years or five years? If you’re not online? Automation can help with this.
Tony Skinner and Anne McEwen discuss strategies for coping with change, particularly in the context of a significant event impacting people psychologically and financially.
Anne emphasizes the importance of mindset, differentiating between the conscious and unconscious mind, and how understanding these can help manage emotions and reactions.
She outlines a cycle of emotional response to change: initial shock, denial, anger, bargaining, apathy, and acceptance. Anne suggests focusing on what can be controlled, such as maintaining exercise and social connections, and integrating new routines into a “new normal.”
Anne offers a free 20-minute consultation to help individuals shift their mindset and plan for the future.
Todays interview is with Ben from Scribe copywriting and the importance of utilising a professional copywriter. How this can help your SEO, email campaigns and getting more content out and about. Also is writing like a 5th grader a good idea.
● improve your business’s online presence.
● What is the readability scale.
● What is K I S S.
Calls to action:
● www. scribecopywriting.com.au .
Todays interview is with Kathleen from powerupyourmarketing.com and the importance of valuing your offering and to get out and market, especially NOW.
Marketing now is the best thing you could be doing with your time. That is the only thing you should be doing with your time, is getting out there and market yourself. Paint the shopfront!
● Don’t be a generalist. Focus on what you offer.
● value what you’re doing and charging the right amount for what you do.
● Match to the right customer and solve their problem.
I interview allan from Encoreaccounting.com.au who has distiled many of the business support packages, and all the different ways that they work for different types of businesses which has and continues to be a minefield.
● get a job keeper package
● tax free payments up to $100,000
● If you’re a sole trader, you’ll get the 1500 dollars job seeker
We chat with Chantal Gerady, a Facebook strategist who empowers business owners with the skills and strategy to successfully manage their own Facebook profiles to generate an actual result.
Topics include:
● What would be the best industries that you think would suit Facebook differently?
● The importance of a content calender
● Should you be doing Facebook paid ads
Free social media calender
In this final episode with Paul we look at the fast and furious issue of website speed. how important is it and should i improve it?
We continue with Paul and chat about the importance of website maintenance. An important area that frequently gets forgotten once your website goes live.
Paul Batagglia from Digital Junction takes us through some website security tips and and strategies