Tony skinner
Hi, and welcome to the podcast podcast my business. And today we have Corrina from answer. Hi, Corrina.
Hello, Tony.
Tony skinner
How you doing?
Tony skinner
That’s what I like to hear. You know, I’m saying that these days In fact, I’m saying frickin awesome.
Yes, me too. Yes, I agree with that.
Tony skinner
Are you one of those people? I do that when someone says a hundreds of thousands and i say you mean millions and billions?
Absolutely. Always think big is my philosophy?
Tony skinner
Absolutely. Yep. Yep. Yep. Cool. Good. Okay, so answer Yes. Interesting name. In my SEO experience, I’d say that’s not very descriptive enough. However, what do you does answer Yes. Do
The full title is the answer is yes. So that’s it. came about because I always answered yes to my clients when they asked me, could you do this? Can you organize this training? Can you organize that training? My answer is the answer is yes. Always if I, if I don’t have it today, I’ll get it tomorrow. So for whatever business needs in the way of training, the answer is yes.
Tony skinner
Fantastic. And of course, after the event that we’ve had, and we’re still going through, you’ve got a lot of stuff here, that any business that especially one that has employees needs to be in touch with you. Let’s start off with WHS training.
Yes, yes, I work health and safety and you know, the sub branches from that, you know, you have fire training, environmental, chemical, first day, whatever it is, it’s, we have that training. We do do face to face training because some training courses are required to be conducted face to face and that’s usually the accredited training. More and more, we’re moving to online and I went COVID, before COVID became cool is that we’ve been doing our training online, as it’s a more faster and efficient way of doing training. seriously trying to get a group of 10 people in a classroom at a workplace. Sometimes it’s like herding cats, you know, they’re they, they keep bolting out, I’ve got to do this. And I’ve got to do that. Whereas online training enables them to do it in their time. You just got to give them a deadline, they and they can get the training done.
Well, exactly. I mean, geez, those who do online services, like online podcasting,
I even mastered the art of online auditing. So I can come into your premises and do a fire and safety audit and I just sent you a zoom link, and you can show me around and I don’t have to visit your site, but it’s much more faster and efficient, which means I can go anywhere in Australia, New Zealand, basically anywhere in the world.
Tony skinner
Fantastic. And of course, you know, there’s all these new challenges. Around COVID, and extra sanitation and extra cleanliness and so forth. Yes.
Yes. I don’t have to worry about that. Because I just go in virtually. So it’s really great. But yeah, we have systems and structures and policies, procedures and the training and everything that a business needs in that regard. Because it’s not just me. It’s also my team of specialists. I currently have 24 specialists in five different genres. So
Tony skinner
cool. All right. And then of course, there’s the old favorite of HR,HRRR,
HR, it’s exciting. It’s Yeah. And they can do some great work. So you’ve got the compliance aspect of it. But then you’ve also got all the fun stuff, you know, like the team culture, or it can be the communication staff. And there’s a whole range of stuff that comes into HR, but it certainly makes it interesting.
Tony skinner
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it is important because people have let’s say, split From the employer for now, and then you’re going to get them back in. And then there’s new requirements on other changed awards, temporary and all sorts of stuff.
Yeah, it’s also even while they’re working from home, there’s stuff that you have to you have to treat their home environment as if it’s a workplace. So you have the same rules and regulations, you’re going to have health and safety in place for them working at home. It’s just an extension of work. So you’ve got to even out your own COVID isn’t working from home, you’ve got to look at it. It could also include things like cyber security as well, because that’s a good one. Now the working from home, but the the firewalls and all their security is slack so the kids can come in and just have a field day accessing the work database, because they’ve got nothing in place that makes it interesting.
Tony skinner
Yeah. And that’s what a lot of businesses don’t understand the cybersecurity side of things. I I take payment by credit card. I have a provider that does all that for me. But even I needed to be compliant, according to the credit card companies and of course, I pay a monthly fee. They don’t do anything for it very frustrating. But I’m credit card companies enforce that because of cybersecurity.
Yeah, there’s a misnomer that when it comes to cyber security, it is only 10% of what makes up cyber security. There’s a lot of other elements and people that usually the weakest element is the weakest link is the staff. They don’t know what they don’t know and so they do stupid things.
Tony skinner
So the CEO that has the password on a post it note on the draw in their desk,
And the cleaners every night get a chance to have a look through it.
Tony skinner
I don’t know whether you’ve seen Ready Player One, but there’s an element in that it’s good movie.
Tony skinner
The password on a yellow podt it note? Yeah, funny.
Yeah, look, I wouldn’t be in job if things like common sense was applicable and you know, if common sense existed We wouldn’t need health or safety, HR or any of the other stuff. But there is not there’s a major lack. In fact, what we target is, when you think of who you’re training for, and everything, we have to allow for that, we’re going to have to teach Homer Simpson. And that’s who we’re targeting. If he doesn’t work for you, he’ll come in as a client and you can run your business. So you’ve got to be prepared that whatever you do, whatever protections you put around your business, you’re factoring in for Homer Simpson.
Tony skinner
Okay, excellent. So that covers the business systems as well and business development and personal development. So you do a whole range of things.
Yeah. I sort of liken it to your businesses out in the elements expose. What can take your business out is things like government legislation, your clients if you do the wrong thing, you’ll stuff if you do the wrong thing suppliers members of Public, so you’ve got to protect your business. So thinking you’ve got to build a fortress around your business. So that and that those areas include HR health or safety business IT systems, you’ve got people in your business. So look, if you don’t develop them, they can screw you over as well. Now, when you’ve got those four walls up, the roof is ending when you start really looking at the business development. If you don’t have that around it, your business is exposed and could come under attack. And that’s what we were looking at. And so we liken it to every business is different. No one business is the same as the next business. So we have to work out whether we’re building an outhouse for you to protect your business, or we’re building the Taj Mahal. So, you know, every business is different on how big the protection is around their business.
Tony skinner
That’s exactly and that’s what a lot of people don’t realize the benefits of training is protection from the business protection from the people, protection from the government as well.
Yes, yes, the government likes to legislate, but that’s the reason they’re putting in all this legislation. I hear it all the time. The government’s trying to do this no. People, we’ve got to put it in place because people don’t use common sense. And people are dying at work on average, we’re losing a least one to two people every week at work in Australia. This is not overseas, this is in Australia from going to work and being killed at work. Not to mention all those that are injured. So it’s a it’s an expensive endeavor. And if we don’t protect people, then yeah, we gotta pay the consequences down the track.
Tony skinner
Well, that’s right. And, again, it’s all about protection. So the government’s there to protect the homer Simpson’s of the world. Yes. And you’re there to protect the businesses that interact with a Homer Simpson. Correct.
That’s it. Exactly.
Tony skinner
Wow, you look the way I did that.
The answer is Yes.
Tony skinner
They said, I want you but I wasn’t gonna say. Yes. Excellent. Okay, so I always asked for a tip is a some sort of tip, let’s say, because again not don’t just training, there’s lots of new stuff. What would it be something post event that businesses should be focusing on?
The biggest issue that I find in every business is that nobody or no correction, not as many people as they should have actually done a hazard and risk assessment. So even going back when the staff coming back into work, you might be tired to refresh if you if you’ve got a hazard risk assessment, for instance, you’ve had machinery that’s been sitting around for two months and you just suddenly switch it on if you haven’t done an assessment on that machinery and also the staff going back to work. Because you imagine they haven’t worked on that machinery for two months and muscle memory is gone. And so then coming back in, these are all the trainings that you need to think about, as it coming back in, do we need to refresh all their training? Or do we have to put training in place. And if you have never done a hazard risk assessment for your business, I don’t care of your sole trader working from home or your multimillion dollar business. Every business must have a risk assessment. Some of them could be short and sweet. But if you haven’t done it, basically you’re breaching the health and safety legislation and you don’t know what you need to put into place.
Tony skinner
Exactly. I think, again, it’s important for working from home. Yeah, even if you’re working from home, and if you’re working for yourself, you still need to think about that.
Yeah, because you interact with customers and see suppliers and a good example is to you know, I was talking to my cyber specialist and he says people don’t understand they might not think their business is very big, but the hackers are looking for the weakest link in the chain, and they could be the weak weak link. But gets them to the bigger clients that they’re interacting with. So every business needs to look at health or safety or the business system, cyber HR. If you’ve never done any risk assessment on your business teaching, it’s just a matter of time before it catches up with you.
Tony skinner
Absolutely correct. All right. Thank you so much for that Corrina and thanks for your time.
Thank you.