Hi, and welcome to the podcast for podcastmybusiness.com.au And today we’re interviewing Kathleen from powerupyourmarketing.com
Hi, Kathleen. Hello, Tony. I’m so pleased to be here and in front of your audience.
Fantastic. And thanks very much for taking your time. So, we’ve had the event and that’s what I’m calling it these days is just the event is too damn big to get into little pieces. So that’s it for me. So, just a little, I guess a little bit rundown as to who you are. I noticed that you’re talking about golf. Are you getting out and playing golf at the moment?
I’ve got more opportunity to do that because that’s the one thing that hasn’t been shut down. We’re classified as an exercise and not a sport and we are now playing in groups of two and not three or four. So a round of golf is a little over three hours. Instead of four and a half, so I’ve got more time for that as well.
Well that’s good so it’s good to stay active because it is an exercise and so forth. That’s a good thing about it. So really, I guess money marketing mentor so you help people with their money and the business.
Yeah, I do. Like I say I get people market ready because what I find is a lot of people are out there selling and they’re not positioned in the marketplace as anything special not the expert in the thing they do. often they’re a generalist In fact, and they’re trying to serve everybody. So I actually help them brand their business from the inside out so they can bring themselves to their business and just show up and be yourself. It really is the easiest gig in the world. But those like me who came out of corporate and that was 25 odd years ago when I got the don’t come Monday invitation and talk about pivoting your yourself I had to reinvent myself.
And I found that all my background in direct response marketing, and my, just my love of working with people, lead me into getting myself trained into different modules that I could then combine with all my marketing experience and take that to people who were either starting a business or in a business, I like to work with people, actually, I’ve got a couple of bruises, so they know what I’m talking about. They’ve tried a few things. And it’s easier then to talk to people who understand that what they’ve been doing may or may not be the way to go. So that’s from there, I help them actually streamline their services.
I work with service based business owners and they’re that people who, often because services are intangible, they often find it a bit more difficult to sell. So I help them actually productize those services by creating what I call a signature system. That gives them something to talk about. And something to write about, you know, we only market through two forms of communication, we’re either writing or speaking, like I’m doing now, this is part of marketing is to be able to get your message out there. And yeah, so I get them into that situation where they have got a lot less to do with a very defined group of people. And therefore they can become known as you know, truly the expert at that thing, then, of course, there’s that big mindset issue a lot of people have about charging what they’re worth. That’s where the money comes in. And I work with people on how to how to increase their self worth to increase their net worth. And I do that by using money archetypes and archetypes are a way that people can begin to recognize their strengths and their weaknesses as to how things have played out for them, and how they could change their outcomes by changing their money mindset. So that’s my whole package.
Right, fantastic. Okay, well, there you go. Thanks very much for your time, it can be as quick as that Tony trust me. People are amazed how quickly I can put them on the right track. I like to say just straighten up and fly, right.
Absolutely. And I think one of the key things and I’ve spoken to people about this a lot myself is valuing what you’re doing and charging the right amount for what you do. Lots of people will not so businesses especially starting off I have a challenge with that and I, I look at it as like going through the supermarket. I hate those self scanners because I’m thinking, Well, I’m not being paid to scan these items. So why should I be doing something that I should have someone else doing and getting paid to do it?
So you have met my husband have you Yeah, so you know, so how do you you got some questions here on your website. So getting overwhelmed and in streamlining what was the biggest challenge in relation to streamlining what you actually do we’re so clever we know so much and inclined to keep all of the things that we can do on the table. So what I mean by streamlining into there’s a whole bunch of stuff we could just get rid of. And trying to serve everybody usually means that you are creating new processes, new, whatever, constantly because the people are all different. When you choose a niche and you get really narrow, I like to say inch wide mile deep, how narrow Can you get it that there’s still a nice long pipeline of that type of person business that you can serve and design your services. Around fixing their problem. And that’s another thing a lot of with the problem they start with is to see with their solution and try to strap it on to anyone who’s got a warm pulse.
That’s certainly true. I know. Certainly when with the podcasting, I started looking at doing podcasting A while ago, and actually launched the company just before the event happened. And it’s really helping me a lot by being focused on more what is the problem that I solve? I solve the problem of content marketing,
You do and I’m a content provider. So there you go that’s why we’re having this conversation. podcasters need content. So that’s a tip for you listeners out there. If you are looking for opportunities to get your word out there. The easiest gig in the world is chatting with Tony in the like. It’s just show up and share what it is that makes you different. How you can help and give, give, give, that’s all I can say is there’s no secrets, most of what we know and learned along the way from our own experience was learned by other people first. And we we embellish that and we grow through that for ourselves. And we all said then become that that wise mentor that we can help other people walk the path we’ve walked.
Exactly. And that’s, that’s what we all need. I mean, I mentor other people. I guess I’m not getting enough mentoring back towards me. And, you know, again, with the event, it’s difficult to do that. But what I’m doing is still keeping in touch with people and I think that’s what we always need to do is maintain that contact of other people let people know that we exist, and that we’re out there and yet, keeping your marketing skills running.
Oh yes, do not stop marketing.
Marketing now is the best thing you could be doing with your time. That is the only thing you should be doing with your time is getting out there in marketing and by out there. Right now, we’re talking online, we’re talking about every opportunity that you get to get your message out there. Take advantage of that.
Tony, can I just speak to the comment you made before about pricing, charging what you’re worth? What happens for people who then are looking? Yeah, they’re looking to what, what it’s worth, but often they’re not doing that. They’re looking at how long it takes. Often when people saying how much do you charge, they’re asking by the hour because that’s the way we were used to getting paid in a job. We’re conditioned to IT professionals like doctors and you know, solicitors put on the meter, you know, the doctor charges you by the 15 minutes and so on and so forth. Now, I don’t want to buy anybody’s time done about you. But what is the point of buying something but this time, I only want to buy what they can do for me if they are the person who can fix whatever problem I would be prepared to invest in solving.
So that’s the mindset to have is there are people out there waiting for you, and they haven’t heard what they need to hear. That means you’re the go to person for that particular thing. And this comes back to the marketing, once you’re positioned as the expert at the problem that you solve for the type of people that you solve it for, they start coming to you. So once again, you’re not having to work very hard in your marketing people will be attracted. So, when you’re looking at that, and you’re in front of a client, whether it’s on the phone or in person, you’re having what we would call a sales conversation. And for me, that means I’m having a check to see whether that person is a match for me as much as whether I’m a match for them because there’s only certain clients that I will take on, they will be the ones who were ready to rock and roll, I don’t drag people.
So if they see what it is that I do is what they need, then we were getting into the proper part of the conversation, then I can look at them and without concerning myself one as to whether they can, you know, use the word afford my services. And I think that’s so disrespectful to decide for anybody else what they’re prepared to pay. So, I’m not interested in that I’m only interested in if I can help them and if they want my help, and I know what I’m really really good at. So, I’m focused on looking at that person thinking, you know, if you don’t sign up with me, you’re going to go away with your problem, and you’re going to be stuck right where you are.
So, the best thing I can do is have that person, sign up with me if we’re a match. This is I’m very, very clear about this. We must be a match and once to discerned they are asking me, so what do we need to do to get started? But they’re not asking me, you know, they’re not expecting a price if you like, because what they’re expecting is a solution to their problem. And you know, we always find the right amount to invest in what we want. So if people are not signing up with you, it’s not likely to be doing around the pricing, it’s more likely to be, they haven’t yet heard that they are convinced that you’re the person to solve their problem. And if not, you’re not.
Exactly. And that’s why I always say, you know, when would you like to start?
Yes, yeah, let’s get going. It’s such a key question. And that’s, that’s how I deal with the, I guess the money side of things, although you still want to be up front on that. Thanks very much.
Can I quickly say, you know, when people ask you, how much do you charge? Don’t you need to answer that? But not straightaway, I would say to those people. I’m happy to answer that question. But do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions first? They’re not going to say no. Yeah. And then you can actually find out whether you are a match.
And I think that’s a key thing is that match? Not everyone that I certainly talked to is a match. I have requirements for me, just as you do for your clients, and so does everyone. And, you know, don’t be afraid of that.
Oh, no, you do not want to take on a client who’s not a match because they’ll be hard work and they won’t get what they want because they will you’re not ideally suited.
Absolutely right. Okay, Kathleen. So, look, thanks very much. So this is a follow up. So powerupyourarketing.com On the homepage. there you’ve got seven secrets of business branding success. And if people just click on that There’s a sign up there to get your monthly articles which are fantastic.
Yes, and they also get everything else as well, but they get an audio on that seven secrets of business branding success as well as an E book. So that might give people thought for now now’s a good time to think about up levelling your brand. For instance, how can you know, the old, the old saying was when business gets tough, paint the shop front.
That’s exactly right. Get out there. Get your name. Get your brand in front of as many people as possible.
That’s it. Yeah. Give you give me a brand a swoosh up, right?
Exactly. Right. Yeah. Well, we’ve got time at the moment, take advantage of that time to be thinking of it deeper rather than just shallow day to day. Hmm. Cool. All right. Thank you very much, Kathleen. And thanks for your time.
Thank you, Tony. And thanks to the audience for listening. Bye for now.