We looked around at all the standard services currently on offer in podcasting, and discovered they are all pretty-much the same. Except ours. We were motivated to provide something different for those who want or need to podcast!

  • PMB offers our unique, streamlined podcasting service, because we want to make things as simple and stress-free as possible for our clients.
  • We want to bring you the best outcomes at the most affordable price, so you can achieve the benefits that podcasting offers, without all the fuss.

You want to get the ball rolling and have your podcasts up and out there, boosting your business and sales. But why would you want to spend a lot of time and money to be loaded up with pricey services? That’s what we asked ourselves too. We came up with a simple approach that works best for our clients. You can have it all done much more efficiently and effectively with PMB.


Using available technologies, we can deliver a quality podcast product to you without the need for costly studio time, or indeed, lengthy meetings and discussions. We take it out of the studio and provide an all-round podcasting service that gets the job done, economically and well.



We’ve dealt with a lot of businesses in our time. We know what they want and what they need to get their products and services up ‘on the map’ in the online world. And importantly, we are aware their time is precious. You don’t need the drain of endless meetings and schedules, if that can be avoided. We deliver the essentials and benefits at much better prices, by working ‘smarter’.

Our customers get the advantage of our in-depth knowledge and experience in strategies for achieving good rankings on Google and other search engines, which we incorporate into your podcasting… And at the end of the day, this counts for a lot. We offer complete, end-to-end production, because we want to reduce the cost and make our service, and the vehicle of podcasting generally, accessible to more businesses.

Another fundamental reason WHY we do podcast production is because we are aware that the real power of podcasts is that they are generating web content, which in turn helps your search rankings and gets you found more readily. In Australia the podcast market is growing and now is the time to get in on the ground level.

As we also offer to convert the audio to blogs, you can get double the value from your content. And you can even add a slideshow with your audio recording and voilà, you have video content!!