Fail to Plan Then You Plan to Fail

Fail to Plan Then You Plan to Fail
On todays buisness podcast, Peter from Pair Planning explains how Pair stands for Planning Accountability Implement Review
● Business owners should be doing the work that adds value to the business and doing a routine function like bookkeeping is not adding value to the typical business
● More than traditional consulting, where you helping clients with actual solutions, we actually help them implement things in the business, but also holding them accountable

Website Customer Relationship Doctor

Website Customer Relationship Marketing

Todays business podcast is covering Website Customer Relationship Marketing with is an end to end marketing agency. So the way we usually describe it is we go all the way until Pay Per Click
● From your brand strategy getting your brand, right and then online, how it represents on your website and through to your digital marketing
● We build strategies around that integrating your CRM as well so you can track and manage and have oversight over everything that’s happening and you see what delivers