Tony skinner
Hi, and welcome to the podcast And today we’re interviewing Erin from And Erin has had some exciting times and exciting journeys, with filming, writing and adventuring. And I think that’s something we can all learn. Hey, Erin how are you?
Hi. Good. Thank you. Thanks for having me.
Tony skinner
Yes no worries at all. I What, what I liked about your story is that Oh my God, why would you want to spend two years living on a boat with three kids?
That’s a great question. I found myself asking myself that a few times while we’re at sea, it was a crazy adventure. It wasn’t always easy, but it was the definitely the best thing that we’ve ever done.
Tony skinner
Right. Okay. So, and this is the sort of thing I’d like to explore is You know, throwing well not throwing things away in life, but being brave enough and prepared enough to go and see what’s next, especially after the event that we’ve just had. What would inspire others to go and do something like that?
Well, all I can say is what inspired me and it’s something that everyone pretty much has access to. And it was Netflix crazy. And you know, that believe it or not. So it was a documentary that we watched one night, my husband and I, and it was about the Laura Decker, the youngest girl to ever sail around the world. And somehow that spoke to both of us at the same time, and we both looked at each other at the end of the documentary and went, well, let’s do it. So you know it I think it comes at probably the most unexpected time but if you feel that line or something that you know, fires you up, then lean into it, explore it, because That’s what life’s all about, you know. And it’s hard, especially after the event that we’ve just had and how everyone’s feeling at the moment. You don’t get that feeling often in normal everyday life. So, yeah, I think if you do feel that then like I said, really try and explore what that means and how you could find, you know, a goal to aim towards because of it.
Tony skinner
Yeah, and well done. You’ve got one in already on a nautical term lean into it, so well done.
Didn’t realize.
Tony skinner
That’s all right.
You know what, I couldn’t even tell you what the documentary was about. Now. It was just a blur. I just know that we Both watched it and then afterwards we two years and two months later, we literally flew out of Australia on one way tickets and never looked back. But are you talking about Jessica Watson?
Tony skinner
Maybe I think that’s it. Just thank you. Yep.
So she sailed around the world as well. She’s also very inspiring young lady. I think she did at the age of 16. Whereas Laura Decker was like 14 crazy.
Tony skinner
Wow, that is crazy. God, that’s like, holy Dooley. Yeah. Okay, there you go. Cool. All right. So again, I think this event has led to some reprioritization for everybody and some realizing that work isn’t the only thing. So how do you suggest other people can get more adventurous?
Yeah, that’s a good question. Look, I think it’s deep down inside of a lot of people but a lot of people just feel that it’s it’s not their time or that it’s just not the time thing you know, who quits their job or like, in our case, we both got leave without pay from our job. And who does that no one leaves their job because it’s just not what you do. It’s not what society has programmed us to do. And it’s not what anyone else is doing. So it’s scary, I get that. But when you do take that leap, and you know, it’s very cliche, and people would have heard it all before, but when you step out of your comfort zone, that’s where all the good stuff happens. And I was a regular mom in the suburbs, we were a regular family. And honestly, it was the last thing that I ever saw us doing. I you know, if he had told me that we would have lived on a boat and sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, I would never have believed you. But now that I’ve done that, it’s really opened up my mind to the possibilities of you know, we can do that. What else can we do? And if I can do that as as a regular Mum, then surely everyone else that’s listening can do so.
Something find their, you know, their passion or something that lights them up and excites them. It doesn’t have to be a massive trip, it could be something completely different. But if it pushes you out of your comfort zone, that’s usually where you’ll you’ll grow and you’ll figure out you know, even if it’s a small step, it’s a step in the right direction it grows that circle just a little bit bigger until eventually your circle so big that you know you’re traveling around the world on a boat.For you once you get there, it’s there’s no going back.
Tony skinner
Well, that’s it I think a lot of us have realized that the daily grind, here we go another boating reference i knew id get that one in.
Tony skinner
that the daily grind can be soul destroying. And the event again, has taken it out of people’s hands the amount of work they’re able to do, and I’m going to try come up with something relevant instead of soul destroying How about let’s try and be more soul enriching
Yeah, I like that. Because that is exactly the term that I was using. So destroying to describe my, you know, my old job my whole career and lost I was happy my old life I would never have used that term to describe my life. But definitely my old job was not what you know what excited me at all. So, turns out going on this awesome adventure and crossing an ocean actually led me to my career that I now you know, I’m so excited and passionate about and you wake up every morning, excited to get to work and you I would never have believed that those words would have come out of my mouth if I hadn’t had gone on that journey on the boat and realized my dream of being a being a publicist, or knew my own public relations agency. Honestly, I wouldn’t have even known what that meant. You know, three or four years ago
So I’ve I’ve come a long way and other people can just go to have the courage was that sort of days it’s damn scary, but take the leap because usually it’s all gonna work out and good things happen.
Tony skinner
Yeah, I think that’s the key thing. Let’s let’s look at this event as an opportunity rather than something worse than that I’m a for example I paint and I do paint. I had a theme for COVID of course oops said I wouldn’t mention that word for the event and the art gallery that I try not and whatever wanted to do an exhibition around that theme. I was able to put some in. But because I’m doing the painting, it’s another part of the brain and I think that’s what you get to exercise more and that’s what’s led you to being able to do the PR agency. So tell us a little bit more about that.
Yes, so whilst I was leaving on a boat, we were in the Caribbean and But before we left, actually we were watching a YouTube channel every night. You know, every every opportunity we got called SV Delos sailing vessel Delos. And they were this crew of, you know, young 20-30 somethings sailing around the world and basically living the dream and they became like our mentors or, you know, we we aspire to live that kind of lifestyle. So when we arrived in the Caribbean, one of the first people we bumped into with him, which, you know, another serendipitous moment there was so many of those things in the lead up and injure even during our trip that it couldn’t have been a coincidence. You know, it’s one of those things put it out into the universe. But we were again, wouldn’t have probably believed it until I’ve now experienced it myself so many times. But yeah, so we bumped into SV delos the crew and kind of became friends with them. And as we were sailing up the island chain in the Caribbean, we kept bumping into them and I noticed how busy they seem to be
And I was interested in writing an article about it by this stage, I decided I was going to be a Roger again, don’t have any experience as a writer, but decided that’s what I’m going to do because I want to make money while we’re sailing. And I’ve met so many of these interesting people and I want to share this story. So I wrote an article about them and several other YouTube channels who were sailing the world and putting out these videos, inspiring thousands of people. But I was interested to find out just how hard it was because it kind of something that we entertained, you know, should we start a YouTube channel? I certainly don’t think that anyone would want to watch me in a bikini every day, but who knows? Maybe they would.
And you know, three bratty boys on a boat, not my idea of good watching. So anyway, we never started a YouTube channel. But another thing that I learned from talking to them was that it was a really, really hard work and they were working a good 50 hours a week, recording editing, promoting themselves doing social media. And I was like, I need to figure out a way to help these guys because the way that they helped us achieve our dream was like, insurmountable. They were the inspiration that we needed to keep going week after week, month after month, even though sometimes we both wanted to quit. Luckily, it was never at the same time, my husband and I. And so I was like, I need to figure out a way that they can keep going, because they need to keep inspiring all these people. Because what they’re doing in my eyes was awesome. So I just kind of approached them and said, Hey, would you like help? Can I help do some social media help, you know, write articles about you do some PR. And yeah, to my surprise, I was like, Whoa, yeah. So I started working for them. And then that kind of just, you know, snowballed and blossomed into getting other clients and
eventually decided that my niche would be working with inspiring mission driven organizations, adventurers and marine brands and experts because that’s what I figured out that I loved and working with people that you know you look up to or that you respect is so nice and I’ve I’ve never really experienced that before I’ve my prior job was in the government and that you didn’t ever get that real satisfaction in your work. But now knowing that I’m you know, I’m helping people to live their dream which in turn is allowing me to leave my dream which will be to return to our boat once the event is over.
That you know, that’s that’s everything to me. So yeah, really, really, like amazed at how it all worked out and very excited about the future as well.
Tony skinner
Yes, interesting. I did look up sailing SV delos as you mentioned them And then I’ve got a catch phrase that I like, buy us a beer.
Yeah, that’s not a catchphrase. But that is something they say into their videos because they make a living partly through YouTube, but partly through the crowdfund funding program called Patreon. So if you buy them a beer, essentially, you’re allowing them to continue to sail around the world and inspire people when no people, a lot of people probably don’t agree with the crowdfunding element. But honestly, when you see how hard they work, and the value that I provide, that they are providing to people like me, who you know, kind of watch their videos and when I want to go live this life to then you really do see that they are earning their money.
Tony skinner
Hmm, fair enough to now I always want to ask guests for some tips. So what sort of PR tips would you like to share today.
Well, I know that not everyone, you know has the money or wants to pay for someone to work for them in their PR like a PR agency. But you can do PR yourself as well. So it is time consuming. And obviously, you know, PR professionals have a few other tips and tricks up our sleeves. And we also have contacts, but it is possible for you to build your own contacts. So public relations is is all about building relationships. So my tip would be to Google your competitors say if they’ve had any press hits, look at the kinds of articles that they’ve had in the places that they have been featured. And then take note of who the journalist is who wrote that article, and then try and connect with them on social media, share their stories, like the articles that they release.
Comment on the things that they release maybe on LinkedIn or Twitter, and start to build that relationship. And then once you’re confident that you’ve got a good story that would interest them with the right pitch angle, send them an email and pitch them, you know who you are and what you’re doing. Keep it short, keep it sweet and keep it really, to the point. And hopefully, they will be interested in writing a story about you as well.
Tony skinner
I know that frequently journalists gobble up stories and just run them without doing barely anything to them. So that’s pretty handy as well.
Yeah, that’s fine. You can write a press release, although not many people in PR kind of use press releases that much anymore. But if you if you write a really, to the point, you know, precise email to them, make it easy for them. That’s really the key is if they have to really do as little work as possible. By ringing you and having a quick interview. They’re going to be happy to run the story, make a Dropbox send the photos, you know attach it don’t put attachments but you know, embed it into the article. make their life easy basically is definitely one of the tips.
Fantastic. Okay, Erin, thanks very much for that anything else you’d like to add? No, not really. I just want people well, I said no, but no, I’m saying something it’s over a cliche, but it’s true. put yourself out there connect with people. I think that was one of the things I’ve discovered by through my business and a trip was being willing to ask for help people want to help you. People are excited if you’re trying to you know emulate their lifestyle. So ask for help make connections. Create conversations, start threads on on Facebook asking about things because people start to notice that you know you’re a change maker and that you want to do something different and they’ll be wanting to get on board to help you so put yourself out there and do it because it’s it’s life changing and I don’t regret for a second what we did on our trip and now being able to find a new career that really excites me and I hope that other people can do the same.
Tony skinner
Yeah, absolutely. And again, I encourage everyone after this event, to see if there’s other things that you want to do you can do just be brave, just get out there. And now on your website there you can download stand out in the crowd that is available for download at roam
That’s right. Yeah. If people are unsure about, you know, what their who their target audience is or what story angles they have to share, or really what makes them different. Download that answer some questions. Do some really deep soul searching as to you know who You are what you want to do what you want to contribute to the world and you never know what you might find. And then if you want any further help with PR definitely give me a shout. And I love nothing more than sharing the stories of people that are living in a unique way. Or even businesses, authors or different perhaps people if you think that what you’re doing is inspiring, then I’m sure other people will too and I would love to help share those stories.
Tony skinner
Great. Okay, well look like hopefully we can all live unconventionally and keep growing and enjoying ourselves. All right. Thanks very much, Erin.
Tony skinner
Thank you so much.