Tony skinner 00:01
Hi and welcome to the podcast channel with and today we have Dan from Hey Dan, how you doing?
Dan 00:20
Great, Tony, thanks for having me much appreciated.
Tony skinner 00:23
No worries whatsoever and like we were just talking about just right at the beginning there about how exect reset came about an exact reset is essentially and actually does what it says on the tin. It’s a reset button for executives and business owners and so forth. So how did that come about?
Dan 00:44
I’m glad you asked. It’s an interesting time as well of course and we’ll get to that. I think it’s a great time to be considering a reset with with everything we go through of course but my my business partner and I actually Siobhan Tierney we’d like to call her shabba, shabba and I have known each other for a number of years, we both actually come from the entertainment industry most more my side of the content and the entertaining side and Shabbat was around organizational development. So we knew each other a while back. And we’ve probably worked together for for five to 10 years in Intellivision here in the learning and development side of things, and be on the content. So I think the way that executory set kind of out, and I’ll try and organize for 15 minutes or so. So I’ll try and keep it short. But the way it came about was we started to spend some time together just on a monthly basis. We’re both Dreamers. And so we spend a lot of time together once a month just thinking well, what is it that we would like to achieve on life and what’s a legacy we’d like to wave and analyze? And we actually came up with that we want to build a village. And let’s literally as well, so we thought, Okay, well, if that’s our end goal, our vision, what are we going to do to get there? What does that mean?
What is the village and it’s a bit of a metaphorical side of things, but but also the realistic side of that as well. And so what we thought was, well, what are our current strengths? What are we passionate about? What do we want to do? For myself, I’ve been in a leadership role and learn a lot over 25 years on that side of the entertainment side of things. And for Siobhan , she’s just an amazing facilitator in organizational development side of things. And so we thought, well, I wanted to move from entertaining to helping people. And she knows a lot in this space as well as an amazing offer writer. So we thought, Well, what if we can take time now And as you say, there’s so much going on in the world at the moment, the where the uncertainty, the change with it, what is it that we could do that could help others? And what do people need at the moment? Hence, a program where executives and senior leaders can hit that reset button at a time when they might be feeling a little bit lost or a little bit unsure about the future. And we’re getting a lot of feedback from executives and senior leaders about well, I’m going through you know, uncertainty and things not just in the work life, but the personal life as well. And you know, what could be
Tony skinner 03:44
what could possibly be creating that?
Dan 03:48
I wonder? And look, I guess you touched on it at the start. Some people are really struggling and we did mention before the thing of Victoria Um, so, you know, the empathy is there for sure. And so sensitive to what Victorians are going through. You know, there’s so much change happening in business out shooter COVID in case an offshore we’re talking about and, also I think other people are really taking this as an opportunity to slow down and reflect and think well hang on what do I want to get out of life? And that’s where exect reset it sort of kicks in there as well.
Tony skinner 04:29
Yeah, and I think that’s really true. But in a normal business sense, you would come across something like your services and guy Yeah, well, I’m okay. You know, I need a little bit of stuff. But, you know, I don’t really need because you got a great you got a six month program, and I mean, that’s quite a bit of time, but it takes time to reset. And you got to reset your mind and reset habits and focus on what’s positive.
Dan 04:56
Yeah, absolutely. Tony, I think, There’s so many levels to like, like you say, and it’s not just a quick overnight thing and that’s all we thought, a, you know, a six month immersive program, we really spend a lot of time at first on clarity. What is it that you were that you believe at the moment? What are your What’s your purpose? Do you need to revisit that explore that. So we spent a lot of time upfront, just really digging down to beliefs and values and mindset. And what habits you might need to create to to get there. Then we move into energy and connection as well. So energy, what you know, what drives you, what gives you energy, what could you implement that could give you energy, and on the connection front, I guess, with things like not only connection with others, I guess we are social beings and having that connection with others is so important. And so there’s a lot of that but also looking at your connection with with yourself. And again, back to those habits and those boys.
Tony skinner 05:56
Yep. Look, it’s interesting. I mean, let’s be upfront about And most business leaders currently a mile and is running. that’s changing and it should change and our reason what was ever so heavily male, but that’s the reality. We are the worst for accepting help and advice.
Dan 06:18
Absolutely not, not recognizing the speaking out about it, for sure. There’s actually a number of personas we’ve identified as well. And we’ve chatted to a lot of senior leaders in executives and, and what we’re finding is those that might want to go through a reset. there’s a there’s a lot of different ones, but you might be that alpha male or female, that you know, have been competitive your whole life and really, it’s been about winning and it’s been about business and you get to that stage in your life with thinking well hang on a minute. I’ve damaged relationships or I feel a little bit lost because of this now, or maybe you’re burnt out. Or you know, or maybe you’re you’re just after that adventure now as well. We are saying hang On COVID to an opportunity to, to slow down, have a really good thing, have a reset, and have a think about what what do I want out of the next 10 20 30 years of my life?
Tony skinner 07:11
Yeah, exactly. And I don’t want to put on the spot, but I’m going to turn away. Okay, so we’re talking about reality and look, the reality is, there’s going to be failure. Okay. And I think, and I’ve been saying, I started off at the beginning of this saying, Well, you know, just keep marketing, keep marketing, keep marketing I’m so I’m like, you know what, move fast, fail fast, succeed fast. But do it move on. So, how, what’s a good strategy for people to cope with whatever the failure might be? It may be, you know, some of your revenue has been knocked off, but you still okay. It might be a lot of your revenue has been locked up. It might be you personally, a lot of smaller and medium sized businesses. It’s the personal investment, not just the capital investment. So How do you? How can you deal with that?
Dan 08:04
get past that fella? Yeah, good. Good question. And I think I think it’d be a little bit differently actually to start with, and I touched on it before, but I think at first you really want to get that clarity around Well, what is the failure? What does it mean? How important is it? What’s the context? And to do that, you actually do need to slow down a little bit. And by that, I don’t mean go and sit under a rock and fester. But what I think it means is to really take a step back and say, Okay, well, where am I in that in that instance? And how much does this matter? So I guess if the failure is potentially what you perceive as a big one, there might take a little bit more time for you to actually really get down to the nuts and bolts of your, you know, your self awareness around what that failure means to you. As opposed to something that might be it might feel big now, but you’ll wake up the next day and say, hang on, don’t sweat the small stuff and like you said we’re going to have a lot of failures along the way. And you and you just keep going. And so I think it’s a balance of the two, depending on the scale or in time.
Tony skinner 09:09
Yeah, I like what you said about don’t sweat the small stuff. Because if you get to admit, I’ve been saying 80% is good enough, especially at the moment 80% if you get to something, you’re doing something new, negative 80% Yeah, watch out. Yeah, change it. Yeah. Don’t wait, because the 20% of small stuff. We don’t have the time to do that. I had did an interview just recently with Fred schibetta, who is a founder of fun Comdata you and he’s also a venture capitalist. And we’re talking about these days, being able to strategically plan and think long term and all these things and take your time to do all of that. And whatever, from a business sense, right? is not as critical as being able to adapt to change. And being able to move on from that change. And that’s where you come in, by helping people to reset and understand that they need to do a reset.
Dan 10:08
Yeah, that’s right. I mean, it’s absolutely a time to be agile and to make those changes, for sure. I think it’s also it’s a great time to, I’ve mentioned clarity, but I think, again, when it comes to what do you do? emotional agility is a really important factor at the moment. It’s actually a great book, Susan David has written which is all about that emotional agility and really becoming self aware. And if you can do that, if you can work through the process of emotional intelligence and social intelligence, and really sit back and understand where you’re at, then the things of the day, whether they’re big or small, you can you can really remove yourself from that in a sense and and come at that with some clarity and some focus
Tony skinner 11:01
And I just thought of something. I always like to think of titles for the podcast, and I just thought of it suck. We’re used to doing mission statements for the business. So the business mission statement and the vision statement only sort of things. But I think we all need to have our personal statement. And again, I think that’s where what you offer can help you.
Dan 11:22
Yeah, absolutely. I love that. And I think, you know, before before any senior leader or executive can continue to navigate through what they’re going through at the moment with with COVID and with change, and who knows where whether it’ll be over the next six months. I think having that personal connection for yourself, and that personal clarity is just so important.
Tony skinner 11:45
Yeah, exactly. And I think, again, that personal look, because there are going to be business owners and business leaders that don’t want to necessarily go through and rebuild. They may actually want to take the opportunity Step back and change what they’re doing change their career, get off being in the non stop, mouse wheel of just going on and going on and going on.
Dan 12:12
Yeah, you’re right. And I think it’s like, it’s just such an opportunity for people in those positions at the moment to be able to do just that. I mean, they can either. And I mean, executory set absolutely caters for both sides of that as well. So there is on one side, I’m kind of actually happy with where I’m at, in some ways, but I know that life can be better. Or there’s something more than just the something that’s missing. And I just want to get that and identify that. Or, like you said, that this is the time for them to perhaps, you know, go off and say, I’ve got a dream or a vision and what I used to do, and my purpose before is it’s changed. I don’t feel aligned to my purpose anymore. So what a great time there to explore that and, and see, well, that might be
Tony skinner 12:55
Yeah, it’s definitely opportunities to change and You’ll sort of program, a professional program rather than just a coach that doesn’t know what they’re doing or what they’re talking about or what have you, is definitely going to work better because you got to hear stimulate thinking and sort of action, provide clarity and maintain focus, create lasting habit change. And of course, Trachsel.
Dan 13:21
Yeah, no, yeah, you summarize that really well. I think those are exactly that is the path that that is so important to take and creating new habits, identifying what they are not only having that clarity at the start, but I guess you have to be able to put everything to action and that’s such a big part of the program as well, which is why we did it over six months, I think, you know, six months is a long time. It’s very, very intense for the first three months it’s an immersive program for that first three months where you get that clarity and start to really put the the actions into place and start to build those habits and towards your your vision or your your beliefs and values. And then the last one Every month becomes much more self moderated where you know, you can, you can have as much coaching as you feel that you need, or you might want to back off on that as well. And just really concentrate on the the habit building. We’re actually we’re getting into the technology as well, which I guess is a big thing at the moment. Also, you know, technology has changed so much as we’ve seen. You know, even as talking today, I wouldn’t have been able to do the six months that I think with the the setup, and one of the things with developing as an app, which tracks your progress, obviously, but also is a habit builder app, as a business mentor who are working on that with us. And so each day, you get to decide what is it that you want to be you know, not just about or reminded about, and over a period of 30 to 60 days you will, this little app will remind you about it.
Tony skinner 14:47
Kind of cool. That is pretty cool. All right. Anything else you’d like to add Dan?
Dan 14:53
I think in summary The other thing with exec resetand Siobhan myself and also all the other coaches come on board, I guess one thing to highlight is if people come on board and they realize that what’s going to make them feel healthy or fulfilled is that they need to get fit, then we’ll we’ve got a great fitness instructor that’ll come in on that or you know, maybe it’s nutrition, there’s a great nutritionist, so really tailoring those parts is really important. And the other thing I think that’s really, something that I think’s important to mention is that we’re there to facilitate and so this is really a personal journey. We’re not there to give the advice I think, you know, if the executive or the senior leader works through that themselves that’s that’s what the the intention of the the program is.
Tony skinner 15:38
Fantastic. Okay. All right. Look, I think it’s a great idea and I was very, very interested in having a chat to about that because I think the idea of executive reset, really need and again, people forget, you know, you got to have your personal statement as well.
Dan 15:54
Yeah, absolutely. And look, I will mention in in just a finish off a will mention that we’ve actually had a lot of interests also, of those that might not be executives but they’re, you know, they’re in a leadership position, or they’re just they love the idea of it. And so what we’ve realized is we need to develop this out wider as well. So watch this space for a program that’s readily available to to a wide audience as well.
Tony skinner 16:19
Fantastic. All right. Great. Thanks for your time, man. Thank you.
Dan 16:23
I really appreciate it. Nice to have to chat.
Tony skinner 16:26
Excellent. Excellent. All right. Thank you.
Dan 16:28
Thanks, Tony. Yeah, really appreciate it. Nice too chat.