Business Australia Covid 19 Government Support for Small and Medium Business

We are joined By Simon Spicer of Business Australia to discuss the Government’s Covid 19 support packages.
For more than 190 years, Business Australia has stood by business owners – untying legal knots, boosting efficiency, advocating for better conditions and helping them grow.
● Formerly known as the NSW Business Chamber, today we operate across the country. From major cities to country centres. From the smallest start-up to the largest corporation.
● All governments at all levels, whether it’s federal, state and local, have really recognized the significant implications of the event, and I’ll just run through the main ones because it is very complicated.

Win More Clients

Win More Clients

Today we’re talking about marketing automation with Tim from
● So what sort of business is best to be using marketing automation?
Any business with relationships can benefit from automation.
● people in business are saying I’ve got to get online. What have you been doing for the last 10 years or five years? If you’re not online? Automation can help with this.

How to Cope with Change

Todays interview is with Anne Mckeown from anne m c k e o w And we’re having a chat about how to cope with change, which is pretty relevant at the moment
●in looking at the conscious and unconscious mind, It is changing even with this time and people have got change going on in their lives all the time. I think we just don’t see it on mass like this usually
● So when I start screaming and yelling and get upset, is that my unconscious or conscious mind?
● Using our senses, so we can use the body to impact the mind. And we can use the mind to impact the body.
● So it’s If you want to email me, I actually offer a free 20 minute session for people to find out more.

Is Copywriting Like a 5th Grader a Good Idea?

Todays interview is with Ben from Scribe copywriting and the importance of utilising a professional copywriter. How this can help your SEO, email campaigns and getting more content out and about. Also is writing like a 5th grader a good idea.
● improve your business’s online presence.
● What is the readability scale.
● What is K I S S.
Calls to action:
● www. .

Stay Calm and Keep marketing

Todays interview is with Kathleen from and the importance of valuing your offering and to get out and market, especially NOW.
Marketing now is the best thing you could be doing with your time. That is the only thing you should be doing with your time, is getting out there and market yourself. Paint the shopfront!

● Don’t be a generalist. Focus on what you offer.
● value what you’re doing and charging the right amount for what you do.
● Match to the right customer and solve their problem.

facebook marketing

Facebook Strategy. What are the skills needed when marketing facebook

We chat with Chantal Gerady, a Facebook strategist who empowers business owners with the skills and strategy to successfully manage their own Facebook profiles to generate an actual result.
Topics include:
● What would be the best industries that you think would suit Facebook differently?
● The importance of a content calender
● Should you be doing Facebook paid ads
Free social media calender